Monday, July 14, 2014

Doggie Style: Stuff Your Pet Will Love

Cute dog stuff. Way harder to find than you'd think. And thanks to Fleur the French Bulldog's need to look adorable (truthfully, for my need to see her look adorable) I have sifted through more dog s!@#$ that I care to admit to bring you the shining stars of doggie style.

Tole Pagoda Dog Bed from JM Piers. Are you not dying over this?? Sadly, it's to the trade. So suck up to your store owning/interior designing friends for the hook up.

Hands down, the most adorable dog bowls are from JAYES STUDIO. Lots of Trina Turk and Quadrille-inspired prints.

A dog bed made entirely of POM POMS. Sign. Me. Up. 

SAILOR KNOT TOY. Too cute! Bonus: it doubles as a nautical door stop when they're not playing with it. 

Cute GREEK KEY DOG BOWL in a fresh grassy green print. 

There's nothing cute about picking up poop. But this was the best I could do. Love THIS ONEtoo. It reminds me of the clear gummy bears. 

 NANTUCKET BIKE BASKETS, the ultimate classic, outfitted for your dog. 

In the world of pets, Harry Barker can do no wrong. Everything they do is adorable. Just like these DOG FOOD BINS

Buh bye Kongs, hello cutestTASSEL TREAT TOY ever! 

Amazing Etsy find! They upcycle old globes, suitcases, and bases of vintage office chairs for RETRO/JETSON-INSPIRED PET BEDS

These OMBRE ROPE LEASHES (matching collars available) benefit shelter dogs. 

I'm slightly embarrassed to admit it, but Fleur just got this DOG LIFE JACKET. I'm afraid we're verging on Bruiser Woods territory. 

Terrible photo but too cute to pass up! A little chinoiserie pour la chien! CONTACT BY PHONE to buy.

 Blue Blood always has the CUTEST COLLARS AND LEASHES. This sherbet striped seer sucker makes me happy. 


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  3. Doggie style" is a sexual position in kittens shop which one partner is on their hands and knees while the other partner penetrates them from behind
