Monday, June 23, 2014

Easy, DIY Up-Do

If I see another Pinterest board with the words "Easy Up-Do" I might throw up in my mouth. Lies! All of them lies! Calling something "an easy up-do" is the hair equivalent of 5 minute abs. Sounds too good to be true. Is too good to be true.

Let's think about this for a second. The entire premise of an updo usually means that it's a night where you want too look extra fab and in order to do so, you must sculpt thousands of little hairs into an artful shape (most likely having little hair-sculpting experience). Your main sense of sight is completely eliminated, so you're relying on your sense of touch to confirm whether you're on the right track. All the while, working with your hands upside down. That's why, nine times out of 10, I attempt hair tutorials, accept defeat, and usually walk out of the door with top knot. Until now!

If you haven't checked out The Beauty Department, I highly recommend it! They have some really amazing hair tips (I'll post their curling iron guide soon) that are actually doable. But this little gem is my new go-to. And literally took me five minutes on my first attempt and I didn't have to redo it! I'll post their's because their images are better and I'll show you what mine ended up looking like.

 Here are the steps they wrote and I've added some notes in pink that helped me.

You will need: 2 clear elastic ponytail holders, one regular ponytail holder, bobby pins and some strong holding hairspray.
  1. I like to give my hair a little wave before starting most updos but this one in particular. For this I used a 1 1/4″ barrel iron. I skipped this step because I was in a hurry and didn't really care if it was perfect. 
  2. I wanted the crown of my hair to have extra volume (think, sophisticated bump it-- just a little lift-- no Snookie territory) so I teased my crown just a bit and pinned with bobby pins for a small section almost like a "half-up half-down" look just at the base of the crown. The next step covers those bobbies. 
  3. Take a small section from each side near the temple. Join the two pieces in back and wrap one of the clear elastics around it.
  4. Now “topsy turvy” the pieces(Aka: flip the ponytail over itself and feed it through the loop. That will create more of a twist than just two pieces joined together.) Flash back to 4th grade! My sister wore her hair like this every day. Along with her signature mix-matched color high tops and Umbro shorts. Every day. No exception. 
  5. Repeat the process just below with two more pieces, closer to the ear.
  6. Now take the remaining hair that’s down and create a half ponytail bun. That’s where you make a ponytail but on the last loop you only pull it half way through. This is where I used a regular pony tail holder. 
  7. Now grab the tail that’s hanging out. Twist it and wrap it around the base of the bun. Get a little messy with it! 
  8. Pin it in place with some large bobby pins for extra security.
  9. The final step is to tug on the topsy turvy twists until the clear elastics move down and hide themselves in the next section below. They should slide and hide pretty easily.
Check the back in a mirror for balance and spray all over using some strong holding hairspray. 
Here's my version! 

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