Friday, November 18, 2011

Feast Your Eyes On This, Friday

{Vintage Redford}

In this season of feasting, it's only fitting that we have a little pre-gorge warm-up. And nothing creates a feeding frenzy for the eyes quite like Mr. Redford, circa 1973. Now, this is my idea of a low calorie indulgence.

Bon weekend!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What Was Sista Thinking? Wednesday

{Over the Knee: Overkill}

We've all fallen prey to trend pressure. You're shopping and notice a new insert trend here. Not to worry. You're a keen fashion hound and your trail sniffer can smell a "you're going to regret this" purchase from a mile away. You shake your head in disbelief wondering how someone could buy that, and then rest assured that it will end up on the 99% off rack. Days go by, and you start noticing that no longer are Tacky Tammie and Impulsive-Buying Ina the only ones wearing the "totally regrettable mistake." But now Stylish Susie and Hollywood Holly are working that insert trend here and boy do they look fab. And slowly but surely, that "once was an eye sore, regrettable mistake, 99% off rack" turns into an "I will eat Ramen, endless leftovers, and no Starbucks for the rest of the month" just to have you join me.

I'll admit it, some of my personal eyesores that now reside in my closet are: skinny jeans (thought they were for angry girls who wanted to pretend like they were the  misunderstood/rocker/groupie type) and dominatrix heels (no longer reserved for ladies of the night).

However, there is one that I just can't and wont get over: Over the knee boots.

All you need to polish off this look is a pole and some single dollar bills. The only person who ever truly rocked them was:

And what her character's profession? Ah, yes. 
Case closed.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Feast Your Eyes On This, Friday

There's something about fall that makes me want to curl up on a sleeping porch in the mountains with a cup of coffee, swimming in blankets, with Alison Krauss or James Taylor playing in the background. Phoebe Howard just took me to paradise. Her idea of a sleeping porch is my idea of heaven. (I must admit that sleeping porch is a bit humble for what this is. If it's a sleeping porch, then Versailles is a home in the country.)

Photos courtesy of Phoebe Howard