Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday: Tip of the Day

Bubble Bath for Your Brushes

Your brushes work hard, so you can play hard. The least you can do is show them a little TLC. I'm guessing most of you have never bathed your brushes. You're probably thinking: only makeup-obsessed people do things like that. Well, you may be right. But here some reasons you should lather up:
  1. Brushes hold oils and bacteria. Each time you use them, you're spreading that bacteria on your face. And that 17-step skincare routine your derm has you on has just officially gone to waste. 
  2. If you've invested in a nice pair, washing them significantly increases their life. It keeps them soft, fluffy, and the hairs from falling out over time.
Great! Now that you're convinced, all you need is some brush bath. If you're a discount kind of gal, baby shampoo will do the trick.
  1. Wash brushes in lukewarm water with a pea-size amount of shampoo until the water that comes out when you squeeze them is clear. 
  2. Pat out excess water with a towel. 
  3. Re-shape. 
  4. Let them sit on the edge of your counter overnight to dry. You won't believe the difference the next day.
Brush Bath, $20; trishmcevoy.com

Baby Shampoo, $5; drug stores

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