Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just Because It's On Sale Doesn't Make It Right

I know that starting out on a negative foot for my first post might not be the wisest move I've ever made but honestly, I just came across these and the offense was too grievous not to share. Keep in mind, I found these on a discount interior site-- you know, the kind that have flash sales with designer-curated collections.

And though a frog lamp with a bedazzled lily shade is highly offensive, I find it even worse that they are selling these things to people who think they've had a designer with "good taste" give them the thumbs up that this is, indeed, a worthy addition to your home. Hell-to-the-no. So, as I say to my mother, and I will say to you: Do. Not. Buy. It. Because. It's. Cheap. Buy it because you love it. And if it's discounted, then you can thank Jesus.
The name of this particular product is "Sprawling Elephant." Have you ever seen an elephant sprawled? Didn't think so. So why would you want it doing that on your books? 

Man's best friend just became his mantle's worst enemy. Notice that the clock is attached to a bone in the dogs mouth. 

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