Friday, August 12, 2011

Feast Your Eyes On This, Friday

{Bodacious Blooms}

Let's be honest, we're all sick of talking about budgets, the economy, joblessness, and basically having no hope for anything promising other than potentially qualifying for food stamps. But I think it is critical to be indulgent every now and then. My three happy places: 1) Bubble baths. With sparkling water and a lemon, lime, and orange wedge with flamenco music in the background. 2) Starbucks. A cheap habit that adds up fast, but so worth it. 3) Flowers. Even if I'm going to be doing one-dish leftovers for the entire week, I always seem to find away to have a little vase of flowers by my bed. 

Note to the men: Don't buy red roses (or any roses unless they're heirloom, for that matter). Guys think girls like them. We don't. They're cliché. And this is just a personal note for my Mr. Right who is most certainly reading this, don't get me daisies (gerber or regular). They just remind me of a VW Beetle for some reason.

Ranunculus. My flower of the moment. 

Sometimes one big bloom is all you need. 

Girly and haphazard. A perfect combination.

Sometimes you just need an excuse to use your favorite vase.

Ball jars next to a lacquered green candle. Love.

Don't over-think it. Sometimes the least amount of thought is the best when it comes to arranging.

So glam and low-key all at the same time.

Blue and white will never fail.

There's something so indulgent about flowers in a bathroom. It's like they're there just for you to see and no one else.

Nothin freshens up a kitchen like spring hydrangeas.

Perfect on the walls. Perfect on the nightstand.

Pictures like this make me so thankful God made me a girl.

A tight bundle...

Or a loose grouping.

 For an extra pop in a muted room.

Or something soft in a bold space. 

On a stack of books or a bench.

Mixing modern, simple, and antique.

To greet you.

Bon weekend!

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