Friday, July 8, 2011

Feast Your Eyes On This, Friday

{It's Raining Men}

Consider this my second installment of "Why I Would Have Been a Lovely Candidate to Live in the 50's and 60's." Except this time, it's all about the men. This is not intended to be a current-generation man-hater post. However, there was something special about the male population 60-somehting years ago...the way they dressed, danced, sang, even smoked a cigarette. And I'm not a cigarette kind of girl, but they even made that look fabulous. Ah. So really, feast your eyes on this:

They weren't afraid to grab the reins.

And were very secure in their masculinity.

They perfected the "dip and kiss." 
PS: Where did that move go?

And invented aviators.

Liking cats didn't make them lose cool points.

Neither did jorts.

Picking up the phone to call you didn't scare them.

They were better dancers than you were.

And had moves no guy in this decade has ever seen.

They were good at serving.

Fabulous at sharing.

And knew how to lead a pack.

They lived in tuxedos.

And could pull off a Speedo.

They. Were. Men.

Bon weekend!